HoneyDAO Governance — How to start voting?

2 min readApr 13, 2021


HoneyDAO is a for-profit DAO investing in early DeFi projects. We started with genesis where everyone who filled the form was airdropped 1 xDAI and 100 voting shares. HoneyDAO uses DAOHaus for its voting purposes. You can visit HoneyDAO on DAOHaus here — https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x39db31079593a6b544399722536d94db25399e58, currently we have 98 members, and we expect to grow in the future.

How to check you’re a member of HoneyDAO?

Please check if your address was airdropped 1 xDAI on Blockscout. Then please check if your address has the required 100 votes by https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x39db31079593a6b544399722536d94db25399e58/profile/your-address-here.

Why do you have 100 votes?

Because we thought we had 100 members at genesis, then it became 101, later 99, then 98.

How do I start participating in the DAO?

Make sure you’re on xDAI chain, or you can switch to xDAI chain. If you’re using Metamask, here’s how to switch to xDAI — https://www.xdaichain.com/for-users/wallets/metamask/metamask-setup. Then visit https://app.daohaus.club/, where you will the DAOs you’re a part of the members.

Inside the DAO you’ll find several options which will include Proposal, Bank, Members, Settings, Apps and Allies. You can create or vote on proposals at Proposal and you find the members of the members of the DAO at Members.

The DAO has 2 day voting period and 1 day grace period.

How do I create a proposal?

Any member of the DAO can bring forward a proposal. Currently, there are 5 types of proposals, Membership, Funding, Token, Trade and Guild Kick. General proposals need to brought under Membership with appropriate Title and Description. You can also create a proposal to remove and add members.

More information on DAOHaus — https://docs.daohaus.club/
HoneyDAO Discord — https://discord.gg/KUSMDTK3S8




Decentralized VC funding seed or private rounds of DeFi projects.